Answered By: Reference Desk
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2024     Views: 251

I would suggest going to the University Library homepage and try doing two searches. One in Academic Search Complete and another in Academic One File. This is always a great place to start searching for articles. In Academic Search Complete if you click on "choose databases" above the search button and "select all" the databases you can widen your search significantly. I started with keywords such as "student AND instructor AND interaction". Then I narrowed the results down by year (2019 - 2024) and geographical area (United States). These options are usually on a sidebar in search engines along with subject headings, source type, publication, and other narrowing options. In Academic Search Complete they are on the left. You can also try searching ERIC. This can be found under the letter "E" on the A-Z Databases list.

Other keyword suggestions: "Student Instructor Relationship"; "Student Access to Instructor"

Here is a citation for one of the results I got back:

Alberts, H. C., Hazen, H. D., & Theobald, R. B. (2010). Classroom Incivilities: The Challenge of Interactions between College Students and Instructors in the US. Journal Of Geography In Higher Education34(3), 439-462. doi:10.1080/03098260903502679

I hope that this helps you get started with your search! Let us know if you have trouble!

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